The 2008 Golden Scissors 
Of cyber-Championsship

Citizen Journalism in Zimbawe:

During the last week of February 2008, 26 participants from civil society organisations in Zimbabwe participated in a workshop in Harare which focused on using new media tools to highlight issues key to their organisations. Working under difficult conditions – equipment and manuals were delayed at customs and participants from some organisations were detained by Zimbabwean security forces – the workshop nevertheless demonstrated the hunger and ability of civil society organisations in that country to use all forms of media to effect change. 

I think that the condition in Africa, especially in Zimbabwe, is far to be easy. They just had the right to get several object of communication such as telephone or electronic. Then, the president Robert Mugabe "take the necessary steps" to have an eye on it, and to prevent the spread of illegal content on the net.

Citizen Journalism in Irak:

The citizen journalism becoming a rage in Saudi Arabia. Indeed, internet in Saudi Arabia is often sensured. Many websites dealing with social life are inaccessible. Almost 400 000 pages are blocked, because of "dirty things" such as homosexuality or women's rights.  Arabian people are very strict about it. Someone have been arrested for given his voice, and talk about disadvantages of being Muslim.

I think that the freedom of speech is not allowed in Saudi Arabia because arabian people have a strongly belief in religion. 

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